CAA for dummies who are spreading misinformation and provoking minorities

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CAA for dummies who are spreading misinformation and provoking minorities !

  1. It has nothing to do with existing Indian citizens.
  2. It grants new citizenship to persecuted religious minorities of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
  3. It excludes Muslims because they can’t be religiously persecuted in a Muslim-majority country.
  4. If you argue that Sunnis can prosecute Shias and Ahmadis, then:

(a) that’s not religious prosecution but sect prosecution.

(b) The Shia and Ahmadi populations of Pakistan and Bangladesh supported the partition of India.
It’s not the Indian state’s moral obligation to protect them, but the religious minorities of these countries (Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc) were assured by Pakistan’s founding rulers that they wouldn’t be harassed, but they did the opposite.
It’s India’s moral obligation to safeguard them, considering the partition was religion-based.

(c) There are nearly 56 Islamic nations, 100+ woke countries, and UN agencies.
Prosecuted Muslims of Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan can approach them.

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