98% of People Die Without Achieving Their Goals

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98% of People Die Without Achieving Their Goals

This is how to be among the 2% that create the life they want

You need to know this about goals:

  • Only 3% of the world’s population set goals
  • Only 2% of people become successful
  • Only 1% write down their goals

Notice anything?

What I’m about to tell you is really important if you want to succeed…

98% of people are unsuccessful for 1 reason:

They haven’t defined success.


How can you become successful if you haven’t defined success?

Goal setting is simply getting very specific about what success looks like to you.

Your action plan defines the steps you take.

But there is a deeper purpose to setting goals,

A reason why so many who become successful set goals.

Sure, you want to have and achieve great things

But, what you achieve is only part of the story

Who you become is what really matters

This is your personal transformation.

your dream is not just what you achieve

It’s about who you become, letting go our your limitations

Which takes courage

This is living your true purpose

And what goal setting is ultimately all about

To reach your goals you go on a journey

A journey that shapes your character & expands your horizons

Setting goals pushes you to grow

To become more

Failure is temporary – you have yet to become the person who can achieve your goals

Goals provide a sense of purpose and direction in our lives.

They motivate us to confront our fears, doubts, and limitations

In doing so we grow

We become more

We create the mould of the person we were born to be

Sound scary?

It should!

But incredibly exciting too

Goals help you become

  • dedicated
  • committed
  • disciplined

Pursuing a goal cultivates

  • creativity
  • resilience
  • perseverance

Working towards your goals shapes you in unexpected ways.

You discover opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth.

By embracing challenge you become your best self.

This is why you are always being called to grow, to be & do more

Goals serve as catalysts, calling you to expand your abilities, push through your limitations as you learn to:

  • adapt
  • be disciplined
  • overcome obstacles

Goals will give you a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment,

Help you develop a growth mindset and expand your potential.

The journey towards goals unveils hidden strengths and capabilities.

The journey is just as valuable as the end result.

Focus on who you become rather than solely on what you achieve.

The person you become is the true reward.

Enjoy the process, trust in your abilities, & savour the personal development.

Most of all…

Define what success is for you

Write your goals down!

Live life.

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